TAGAWA Kyoko, piano
これまでに 小原久幸、馬場和世、上野真、ペーター・レーゼル、田崎悦子の各氏に師事。
2009年〜2011年、ベートーヴェン ピアノ ソナタ全曲演奏を達成し、日本経済新聞をはじめ各紙に取り上げられるなど大きな話題を呼んだ。バロックから近現代の幅広いレパートリーをもち、ソロリサイタルを数多く行う他、オーケストラとの共演、室内楽など多方面で精力的に活動し、その活動は国内にとどまらず、ヨーロッパやアジアをはじめ国外でも行っている。
TAGAWA Kyoko, piano
Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Faculty of Music, and Kyoto City University of Arts. the Graduate School of Music. She then graduated from the Karl Maria von Weber University of Music and Performing Arts in Dresden, Germany. While in Germany, she performed in various concerts in Germany and Poland.
She was selected for the 9th Takarazuka Vega Music Competition. She received the 2002 Baroque Saal Prize for her duo recital with contrabassist Sander Smarandescu.
She has studied with Hisayuki Obara, Kazuyo Baba, Makoto Ueno, Peter Reesel, and Etsuko Tasaki.
From 2009 to 2011, she performed the complete Beethoven Piano Sonatas, which was covered by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun and other newspapers and attracted a great deal of attention. With a wide repertoire ranging from baroque to modern and contemporary music, she has given numerous solo recitals, performed with orchestras and chamber music, and is active not only in Japan but also in Europe, Asia and other countries.
She teaches at The Kyoto College of Graduate studies for Informatics. She is a part-time lecturer at Osaka University of Arts. She is also a part-time lecturer at Kyoto Horikawa Music High School .
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